Time capsule

My time capsule is full of church music
the kind you find late at night
when everyone else has gone home to bed

My time capsule is full of silence
pencils without paper, cries without voices
apologies without words

My time capsule is full of impossibles
the days our most desperate wishes were enough
the night we were both looking up at the moon

My time capsule is filled with almosts
the envelopes that were never opened
the letters that were never written

My time capsule is full of nearbys
melodies that sound the same a thousand miles away
whispered prayers that the stars carry to you

My time capsule is full of faraways
everyday I promise myself soon, soon
these church walls can take me anywhere I want if I close my eyes

My time capsule is full of what-ifs
somebody sings to me wait and see
so here I am, wide awake at night, waiting to see.