Where I’m From

I’m from stain remover
From H.E.B. and Art Class
I am from the giant red house at the top of the hill, and the tiny, quaint one with the baby-blue door
I am from the bamboo swing in my front yard, and the dead, yellow grass below it
I am from parties and gatherings on my back porch, complete with a movie projector and deep-dish pizza
From Aileen and Lawrence
I’m from Target trips and iced lemon loaves
I’m from the random to-do lists and doodling on restaurant napkins
From, “Play Taylor’s Version!” and “Let’s go already!”
I’m from gratitude and love
From Singapore, Taiwan, California, and Texas
Pulled pork tacos and fried rice
From the ACL my mom tore while surfing, and the trip my grandma made as an immigrant

Under my dresser, a cookie tin holds gift cards, keychains, letters from friends
All little things that remind me of the past
And memories I’ll never forget.