A hot summer day

the sun scorches our hot backs
it’s not a pleasant sort of tingle,
prickle or sensation

it’s of feeling like your skin is on fire
so unreasonably hot
like being baked in an oven
unable to get out

we trudge through the streets
shoes getting stuck in the melting,
sticky, tar of the road

there is sweat leaking
through our clothes

It cascades in salty puddles
on the parched sidewalk

when it seems like the heat
is too much to bare

that we will curl up on the grass
and drown in the searing light
of the sun

a gentle jingle erupts in the sultry air

the sound of the ice cream truck
of cool, frosty treats

of air conditioning whistling through our hair
of pure, delicious, goodness dribbling down our chins

we charge towards the familiar sound
and fumble through our pockets for coins
like our lives depend on it

the ice cream man
gives us a cheery smile
and presents us with

ice cream and popsicles in
all different colors

we lick our icy treats
greedily gulping down the arctic slush

before we know it
it’s all gone

and all that is left
is a full belly
and a sense of relief on