
They walk in silent accord
Their soft linen touching the tall, tangling turf.
A face of brewing solidarity and eyes of piercing bright lights
Their ensemble weaved with careful seams and timeless dreams.
The hand clock of their life slowly ticks, ticks, ticks
The nuit blanche has been their tyme
Their clock clicking up and down in spite of
The phantoms that surround them.
Djinns, genies, and magicians come like moths to a light,
Yet all the words and rhymes
Bells and chimes
Hollow words and simple lies
Even if the lord told them a secret
The soft words of heavenly David’s key
And where to take it
They would still stand
Aloof and bored in the grass
Unable to feel the dainty mockery
Of the nostalgic past.

For they come when the present seems to run
They come when all forget
When death seems to drag its feet
And when the angel wings seem not to lift.
Kronos, Kairos, Ananke, and Janus
The names of the beast that many used to define it.
They don’t go by time
They don’t know who is alive
All they’ve done before
And all they’ll do again
Is take all and none
That is deemed to be fit.
Yes, a puppet floating on magic strings
A creature with none left to bleed
A casket walking
A cadaver dapper
A carcass laggard
As they dangle the keys
Of the endlessness which seems
To go on for

Every person knows whom
The thing this creature looms
Even the trees hang as tombs
Revering the work it does till noon.
Never does fortunes seem on its mind
Is it not life that it reaps from you or mine
To the first man and smallest leaf
Yield the same results as it drags from the cemetery.

Clock’s, clunky, clever, comely, corporeal capture concentration.
They tout their tactful, timely turns, twisted to
Serve some soulful speaker savant such so
That even the lands stand in solemn servitude.
Even the creature seems hypnotized
Downsized to a caged beast
Willingly stuck in the honey pot
A fly drowning in cider.
For them, solitude was their friend
And now, another meant something to them
Even if this person tightens the leash
And force them to feast
On the bones of the innocent, unwitting in the least.
A deity, now stuck
For Eternity