My Friend Andy

Orange and white,
Eyes that shine so bright
Belong to my friend named Andy.

There is no better friend,
A friendship that can only be described as “it will never end”,
Is the one I have with Andy.

I’ve known him forever,
Although, I must admit, sometimes, he is not very clever.
Is how I’d describe my Andy.

Despite his flaws
And despite his hands, which some may call paws,
I love Andy.

Although, after years and years
I’m afraid, and I may fear,
That one day I’ll have to say goodbye.

Because he is a cat,
And I’ll always know that,
You’ll leave me one day Andy.

But it’s okay
And if Andy could speak his mind, I think he would say:
“Although I’m only a small part of your life,
You’re all of mine,
And I’ll love you until the end of that day.”