Please don’t leave me shattered.

If you were to leave me now, the glass I cling to with a hardened stare would shatter
And kill us both
We are equally entrapped
On either side
Of a bounded mirror of embrace
Although my grip is fading
My gaze pierces yours
I refuse to break the path between our eyes
I know why
Are me,
If I were loved
Your eyes are mine,
If I were beautiful
Your smile could be my own, if my soul held such vibrant colors
I can whisper comforts of tender praise
To hear an echo
It’s what I live for
All I can live for
And have
You and me
Or us
And our barrier of frail narcissist disgust
There is no us without
Only an imaginary room
Filled with filth stained truths
That steer away my dream like perception
Of beauty love and youth
I have never broke our locked fixation
Or dared to peak inside
That stale repugnant room
Hidden deep inside my mind
For I fear I’ll find a different mirror
Apart from our sweet lie
And I’ll see the ugly, aching child of my haunted alienation
Detached from vain and foolish make believe
I would rather captivate my ignorance
I will cling to this mirror until it breaks
For it is my lifeline
So please,
Don’t leave me shattered.