The Wailing

I was lying in my bed on another cold and eerie night. Insomnia had struck me again and my eyes were glued to the ceiling. My breaths were the only thing that filled my ears, other than the slight gust of shivering wind blowing through my rotten curtains every now and again. I was used to this. Almost a nightly routine now except it had only just started getting this cold. I had all my blankets wrapped around me but the piercing air still snuck through. I just wanted to drift away so I could escape this reality. I just wanted to sleep. My mind was blank and my eyes began to falter; that’s when I heard a screeching. It almost sounds like a human, but not at the same time. She was wailing. I unblock myself from my warmth and slowly walk towards my window. I slowly peeled away the curtains to examine the outside and see if anyone else was awake at this hour. Of course, it was nothing but a ghost town, still. A sigh leaves my chattering mouth as I close the curtains and I head towards my warm clothes.
Once I’m protected from the night I head to my mom’s room. I make eye contact with her door handle and I slowly reach for it. Cracking the door, I look inside and find an empty room. This wasn’t abnormal. I shut the door without a trace and head outside. The first slap of air stung but shortly after I settled in. There was little light, only the faint glow of the stars and moon. I don’t know what my plan was but I wanted to know what the origin of the shriek was. The sound had come from the west side and so that’s where I headed. I kept my focus on my surroundings and made sure I stayed quiet in case she screamed again. And she did. Although, this time it was louder and more haunting. It pierced my ears and caused a shiver to flow down my already cold body. Fear began to settle in. I continued on past all the houses and into the darker side of town. Only a few minutes have passed of walking when the wail fills my ears again. Sharper, louder, angrier. I debated turning around but I had already gotten so far. I was now on edge and startled at any slight noise. The sounds began to replay in my head, or maybe it was happening around me; I didn’t know.
I made my way over a hill and a graveyard struck my eyes. I had a feeling this was my key. I picked up my pace and got to the entrance of this city of death. The gate was rusted shut. I looked around for another way to get in and something caught my eye. I notice a small bend in the fence that I would be able to squeeze through. Once I was in, I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t want to move. I first looked around and studied the place. I had never been here before and I know why. This place was abandoned besides the souls that rest below my feet. The screeching came again. And again. And once again. It was starting to get too cold standing in one place. I had noticed a small building in the far corner of the yard. I made my way toward it slowly. Every step was hesitant, hoping that I would find nothing. I should have stayed in bed. Once I got to the building I turned the corner and my eyes were blinded by silver. Silver hair. A long silver dress. And then a scream. My eyes began to water as I saw the Banshee, that’s when the panic set in. My mom had been gone. The scream was the warning of death. Only I had heard the wails. I needed to get back.
I turned around and sprinted out, stressing so much I was breaking a sweat in the freezing cold. Tears streamed down my face but got wiped away by the wind. I screamed for help louder than the banshee; no one was hearing me though. My whole body was numb but I was making distance. I could see my house alongside the rising sun. From the dim glowing of the morning sun I could see a crowd. I became worried and confused. I changed my direction towards them to see what was going on. Everyone turned their head as I approached and sorrow filled their faces. The tears on my face grew more prominant. I shoved my way past everyone making my way into the middle. The sun had peaked through enough to cast a better view behind my glazed eyes. Everyone was gathered around something. Something I couldn’t yet see. I continued to push my way until I was in the middle. My eyes dropped along with my stomach and my tears. On the ground was my mother. Lifeless.