Wet-Willey Revenge

My mom wet-willed me
this morning
It was wet.
It was disgusting.
And unpleasant.

I was mad. I was not having it.
And to top it all off it was all
because I didn’t want to get out of bed.
She thought it was funny.
But not me.

I was frustrated so I took a break
And ate my Nutella sandwich Outside
Yeah that’s right

I came inside giving her
The silent treatment
Both of us got sick of that really fast

So I gave in
I lost the war
she won

But you know what, some things
Came Good out of
the bad experience
First, i got to ride shotgun
I never
I mean never get to do that

Cause my brother
always gets to
But he was sick of me and
My mom fighting
So I got to sit in the front as long as

So I got to sit in the front as long as
Me and my mom would stop fighting

Best of all…I got too wet willy, my mom, back