Me and her are 2 good friends
Me and her like the same things
Me and her are always together
We are never separate
We are 2 good friends
Blanton Elementary School
your vision, your voice
Me and her are 2 good friends
Me and her like the same things
Me and her are always together
We are never separate
We are 2 good friends
Blanton Elementary School
Wind is great
I love wind
I let my hair blow
I let my heart flow
And I let the wind
Blanton Elementary School
Walking down the aisle
Lowered eyes
Bent heads
Tears fall
But we don’t bother
To wipe them up
We walk back
To the part that I dread
Because they always say the same thing-
That they’re sorry, but it’ll be okay
I believe them,
That it will be okay
But for now it’s not
I’m not
We go back to the house
Empty when we’re not there
But one by one we go
Leaving it like a graveyard-
Too quiet, too lonely, too cold
Not right
Not like before
O Henry Middle School
Vroom, Vroom
Strolling down the streets of Austin, Texas
Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat
I hear the rhythm of our feet walking on the sidewalks
We look everywhere
we see buildings we see buses
we WISH we saw trains
We hear people talking
We smell the smell of TexMex food coming out of the restaurants
We feel the hard pavement under our feet
We talk and we have fun walking down the Austin streets
Bryker Woods Elementary School
I open the door, WHOOSH, a big gust of wind hits my face and makes my red hair blow up in
the air.
I see the garden with its green grass and wonderful flowers.
I step on the porch and walk down the steps.
I feel the green grass brush against my feet and I look at the large vine of flowers bursting
with their bright pink color.
I walk around. I play in the grass.
I see our lemon tree has little lemon flowers on it.
I see our lily pond with its bright green leaves.
As I look back at the garden, I remember how wonderful it is.
Bryker Woods Elementary School
I step into the icy, cold pool in my blue, red and black swimsuit.
SNAP! Goggles on.
Now, I have to get my whole body wet.
At first I was easing in but now I am jumping in the pool.
I swim underwater…in the beautiful water.
I do butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle.
I am having so much fun I NEVER want to leave.
Bryker Woods Elementary School
fierce, strong
living, eating, fighting,
giant, monster, beast, mammoth
killing, caring, protecting thoughtful, kind
Doss Elementary
Little as a giant,
Fragile and precious,
Sweet and sour,
Brave and beautiful,
Spinning round and round,
Around the sun,
Connecting the people
On the ball of life.
Gorzycki Middle School
Music is amazing
Music makes me want to dance
Music makes me want to sing
Music wants me to be happy!
Ridgetop Elementary
Miles and miles of gravel,
A never ending path,
Streaming flowers beside me.
The sun setting
Putting a gorgeous glow on everything.
It’s a perfect time,
To take a long walk on a trail.
Gorzycki Middle School