
Poems are fun to write
They can be about anything.
Everything, even your kite.

You can write haikus,
Doesn’t even have to rhyme,
Just 5, 7, 5.

Or humorous works,
If you make it funny.
Like, I’ll write,
A flea ate a bunny!

If your brain is empty,
Free verse is best.
You don’t have to rhyme,
Or even put rhythm like I…

Could Go On And On Without Breaking Any Rules Because This Poem Is Free Verse!

If you’re feeling dancey
Try lyrical, and write a song.
It could start like this,
Then go: boopy bop bing bong bong!

Also try narrative,
If you like writing stories.
It can rhyme, or have rhythm,
But it also tells a story.

Blanton Elementary School


Morning Routine

Eyes flutter open
Sunshine streaming in through the blinds
Swaddled in a blanket of warmth
Unable to leave the comfort of sleep

Reach out
Hands fumbling to turn on
The phone whose clock reads 8:13
Overslept an hour

Rip back the blankets
Tumble frantically out of bed
Cold air instantly awakening
The warmth only a distant memory

Clothes thrown on
Teeth half brushed
Desperately urging the coffee to brew faster

Folders strewn across the counter
All stuffed
Into one backpack
Hoping everything’s there

The coffee is ready
Grabbing the keys
Glancing one last time
To make sure nothing’s forgotten

Out the door
Locking behind
Get to the car
Open the door

Glancing once more at the time
And the date
You realize
It’s Saturday

Austin High School


I Love Video Games

I love video games,
I love them a lot,
I play them for fun, relaxation, and plot,
the best video games are made by Nintendo,
at the end of each game you’ll be begging for a sequel,
theres Mario, Zelda, and Kirby galore,
if you want to be happy just step through the door,
after your first game you’ll be wishing for more,
the world of Nintendo is as big as a war,
you will enter a world of everything fun,
your life will be filled with glory and sun,
discs, and cartridges they’re screaming to be played,
the second you start your dreams will be made.

Gorzycki Middle School


All I Need

All I Need

Tall buildings
reaching for the sky
so much activity
oh, my

Golf Carts darting
to and fro
cars are the freeway
go, go, go

Kids playing
riding their new bikes
those of which
are wonderful sites

Bed dressed in white
and gifts scattered on the floor
lights sparkling bright
not wanting anything more

Coming to a halt
then picking up speed
it’s not my fault
that my sister is all I need.

Bailey Middle School