Where I Come From

I am from Orange Fanta and ginger ale
I am from video games and WiiU
I am from Shipley’s
I am from Colgate and Clorox
I am from the white house and
I am from the huge, comfy house
I am from the bluebonnets and
the oak tree
I am from the neighborhood of boys
I’m from the eating turkey on Thanksgiving and Christmas
I am from Justin and Maverick
I am from Eric Justin Winkenhofer and Julie Renee Bookwalter
I’m from the neighborhood of water balloons
and fireworks

I come from “Love you!”
and “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!”
I’m from believing in God and Jesus
I’m from Austin, Texas and Germany
I am German and American
I come from chocolate chip cookies and steak
I’m from cousins and grandparents and Wilhelm Winkenhofer
I come from pictures on the walls and pictures in a picture book
I am from very long road trips and generosity.



Where I’m From

I am from hoverboards and soda and
Bluebell ice cream
I am from the house of boring walls
I am from the big and fun house
I am from the oak trees and the lime tree
I am from the neighborhood of old people
I come from church on Sundays
I’m from gardening and farming
and breakfast at 9:00
I come from Brad Barry and Shanna Boyd
and Dane and Hudson
I’m from the boring and quiet neighborhood
I come from “I will give you something to do” and
“I love you to the moon and back!”
I’m from going to church
I’m from Austin, Texas and Beard
I’m American and Scottish and Irish
I’m from Annice Bunton and William Barry
I am from spoiled brothers
I come from steak and chicken dumpling soup
I’m from the family of loving brothers
I come from picture day photos hanging on the wall
I am from a caring family.



Where I’m From

I am from video games and basketballs
from homework and books
I am from the house of project central
I am from the big and huge home and
I am from the apple tree and the oak tree
I am from the neighborhood full of boys and girls and fun
I’m from making tamales and eating them on Christmas Eve
I’m from Robert and Gabriela and
CQ and Rhyea and
Polo and Chewy
I’m from the fireworks and block parties
I’m from “I’ll give you something to cry about”
and “Love you!”
I’m from believing in heaven
I’m from the Army and
I’m from San Antonio, Texas and
Mexico City
I’m from pizza and
Ice cream
I’m from peace
I’m from nieces and parents
I’m from pictures on the wall
I am from road trips and the military!




Just a girl
No, so much more.
No idea how much she impacts
the lives of others,
bringing happiness and light.

I look at her
I feel like a bomb of emotions about to explode.
Happiness and warmth inside
Frustration and confusion inside,
I love her smile.

When she looks at me
I get this feeling
like I just ate a whole bag of pop rocks.
Her drawings and paintings
all over the walls
remind me
that no matter how mad or upset I am
at her
I will always love her
and she will always be
my sister.

I can’t imagine how different my life would be
if she wasn’t in it.
She’s my world,
my other half,
she’s my sister.
Never, just a girl.

Ridgetop Elementary



A hero doesn’t have to be
someone with powers.

Anyone that you believe in,
anyone that is an influence in someone’s life.
Everyone can be a hero.

All you have to do is believe,
believe in yourself,
believe in others.

Everyone deserves a hero
maybe it’s your mom or your dad.
Or maybe you can be your own.

Make an impact in your life.

Ridgetop Elementary


Where I Come From

I am from art paper and markers
from Myers cleaning day soap and baby wipes
I am from toys and messy
I am from the bright and happy home
from the lilies and dandelions
and big trees
I am from the neighborhood with the quiet street
I’m from donuts in the morning
and home cooked family dinners
I am from Krista and Jordan Hoffman and
Evie and Grey
I’m from big backyards with swimming pools
and riding bikes

I’m from “Move it or lose it!” and
“I love you to infinity and back!”
I am from eyeglasses and contacts
I am from Hawaii and Portland and Oakland and Boston and Austin
I am Italian and German and English and Mexican
from homemade muffins and chicken pot pie and
homemade tortillas
I am from Nani Fa and Nona Papa
from pictures in the halls and in books and bedrooms
I come from family pictures
I am from moving and road trips!



Where I Come From

I am from ice cream and gummy bears
I`m from Clorox and Legos
I am from messiness and disorganized
I come from a cool house and an awesome home
I am from pear trees
I am from a long road that leads to a park
I’m from a neighborhood of boys
I’m from going to grandma’s house and
Three people dinners
I am from Mike and Amy
and Lucy and Maggie
I’m from Shady Hollow and an awesome neighborhood
I am from “Be still! Be quiet!” and “Close your eyes!”
and “Be easier to get along with!”
I’m from not going to church.
I’m from Texas and
I’m Scottish or maybe Irish
I am from mexican food and tamales
I’m from loving parents
I’m from pictures in the hallway and long road trips and
I’m from birthmarks!



My Heritage

I’m from tortilla soup and
From Legos and Discovery
I’m from the house of video games
I’m from the medium house and booksy house
I’m from rosemary and roses and pomegranate plants
I’m from fig trees and watermelon vine
I come from making bunuelos on New Year’s Eve and
dinners with mom and being weird
I’m from Anthony and Kasey and Granny and Grandpa Joseph Roger LeClair
I’m from the dog neighborhood
and neighborhood of few kids
I’m from “Get your butt back in bed!’’
and “Magic is not real”
I’m from Texas and California
I’m French and Canadian and American
I’m from tortilla soup and bunuelos
I’m from my parents and grandparents and cousins
I’m from the pictures on the family stairs
I am from happiness and joyfulness
I am two homes – Texas and California!



The Day That Changed Our Lives

The Day That Changed Our Lives

146, Christmas they will never see
Behind locked bars and doors
They will forever be
Once singing and dancing through the day
Not enough windows to get away

Because of this act, it is true
Things are much safer for me and you
A few people right from the start
Took this tragedy
Straight to their hearts

They fought for us in court
And they’ve made some laws
They’ve helped us at work
And when we get old
We’ve them to thank for being so bold.


Bailey Middle School


Deep Down

Deep down in the sea
I’ll hear the wind roaring
very faintly you see.

Know why I’m here?
I put myself there, but I’m so very calm
I don’t care.

Deep Down in the sea
I’ll hear the wind roaring
very faintly you see.
Deep Down in the sea.

Kiker Elementary