
Splashing, lapsing, flushing, washing, waving
Crashing to foaming, rising and falling,
Tides restlessly singing their refrain,
Relentlessly pushing and pulling,
Endlessly drifting and coming again

Staring out at what is so beautiful,
But neglecting what brings joy to many,
Coulds and woulds and shoulds supposedly,
Augmenting, with addition of doubt
Thinking of eyes that don’t belong to me

Mindless, joyless, freezing wind surrounding,
Pink-haloed clouds creeping towards bright sunset
Happily contradicting themselves,
Interrupting, yet rightfully there,
Oh to have those unachievable eyes

Palm on cheek wet with tears, elbow on rail,
Keeping me from the temptation to leave
Everything behind, just one jump,
But set in stone, decided long ago,
I remain, glimmering, eyes’ took their leave

Then the break of ancient, rusted metal
A slip due to yesterday’s clouds’ sorrow,
Descending towards an onslaught of spray,
Hitting the waves, I’ve broken the glass
Eyes have been drained of what little remains

Gravity pulls me, I am a shipwreck,
Slipping away, deeper into the depths,
Hoping has ended, fate brings its wrath,
And yet, something swirls through the waters,
Eyes like mirrors, curse and blessing bestowed

Now each night I wait, for a second chance,
Head above water looking, where the call,
Was by chance answered, by choice ignored,
Night sky taking stage, sparkling dances
Stars twinkling like eyes that no longer belong to me

Russell Lee Elementary


Where I Come From

I am from computers and Lay’s potato chips
from Blue bell ice cream and oranges
I am from the art gallery in the halls and
the house of confusion
I am from empty and artsy
I am from bluebonnets and
apple trees and lilies and roses
I’m from a neighborhood of buffaloes
I’m from Hannukah and happiness
from Lilya and Guy
and Elizabeth and Vaira
I’m from the from “Don’t lock the doors!”
and “You are my favorite person in the world!”
I’m Jewish and Catholic
I’m from Austin, Texas and Russia
I’m from latkes and matzo ball soup
and pierogies.
I’m from a perfectionist
I’m from pictures in the halls
and pictures in my room and
pictures in mom’s office.
I am from my cousins, my mom and dad, my grandparents and road trips.



Where I’m From

I am from Xbox
From paper and pencils
I am the Bluebonnets, from the deer
I am from skiing and blond hair from dad and grandpa
I am from biking and climbing
From manners and good grades
From Jesus and fairness
I’m from ranching
From corn dogs and pizza
I’m from Tree hugger
I am from Austin



Ocean Breeze

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
beautiful waves in the ocean.
I smell salty, fresh, ocean air.
I see a clear, warm, fish filled sea
and the sun shining like there is no tomorrow.

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
the little village nestled up on the oceans sand.
There are mountains and hills overlooking the sea
and boats rocking on the port.
The smell of fish coming from the market fills the air.

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
cars parked at the dolphin aquarium.
A long line of people waiting for the exciting moment
that is yet to come.
I can hear children complaining that their feet hurt
and they want to see the dolphins.

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
2 aquariums with trainers and dolphins inside.
Dolphins jumping and doing tricks
and being feed buckets of fish.
The groups gathered together to watch how to perform with the dolphins.

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
myself holding a rubber feeling dolphin.
I see myself holding on to the dolphins fin so scared
but then there was rush of excitement like everything bad had floated away.
All my fears, all my anxiety, all swam away like a group of fish.

Olivia Mates

Bailey Middle School


Where I’m From

I am from video games and coffee and
big TVs
I am from the technology house and
I am from the disorganized and artsy house
I am from the roses and the cedar tree
I am from the bluebonnets
I am from the Shady Hollow neighborhood and Parkour
I’m from snack at 10:00 and alone time
I am from the neighborhood of pool parties and pizza
I’m from Mandi and Brian and Brenna
and Strider
I’m from “Get in bed or no TV for a week!” and
“Do you really want there?”
I’m from Texas and Holland, Michigan
I’m from grandparents that came from Italy to New York
I’m Italian and American and Irish
I’m from gnocchi on Christmas Eve
and chicken noodle soup
I’m from family pictures in every corner of the house
I’m from loving snow from Holland, Michigan and going where my dad grew up.
I come from the military.



My Family Basketball Game

My Family is a basketball game
My Mom is the coach always keeping us positive
My Dad is the ref who always calls the right calls
My Older Brother is my teammate always there for me
My Little Brother is the ball sometimes doesn’t want to help
My Cousin is my teammate always keeping us in a good mood
My Grandma is in the crowd cheering us on

Gorzycki middle school


Where I Come From

I am from crayons and toys and
from books and art
I am from the house of dancing and music
I am from the small and colorful house
I am from the bluebonnets and big trees and the cul-de-sac
I am from the neighborhood full of friends
I’m from the pumpkin patch and Thanksgiving dinner
I come from opening presents on Christmas Eve
I am from Renee and
Mike and Michelle and grandmother Carrie Stewart
I’m from neighborhood of trails and parks and
the big neighborhood pool
I come from “You are my sunshine” and
And “I love you”
I’m from Austin, Texas and Georgia
I’m Scottish and Irish
I am from chili soup and pancakes and
chicken noodle soup
I’m from loving parents
I am from pictures on the wall and in the bedroom
I am from the singing, dancing, pugs, soccer, and colorful art family!



Where I Come From

I am from homework and
tv and coffee
I am from the sports house
I am from comfy couches and loving beds
I am from the oak tree and
the bluebonnets
I am from a cul-de-sac of boys
I’m from St. Catherine’s church
and Religious Education
I am from Gavin and Owen
and Katie Pittman and Phil Russell
I’m from the Gatling Gun park and
The neighborhood of ditches and fireworks

I’m from Boy’s Club
and “Get to your room!”
I’m from the catholic church
I’m from Austin, Texas and Kansas
I am European and English and Irish and Scottish
I’m from Italian foods and mexican foods.
I’m from annoying brothers
I’m from pictures hanging up EVERYWHERE!
I am from dogs and sports and loyalty.



It’s Raining Pugs

I just saw a pug fall from the sky
I went to look over and by my surprise
I saw 1,000 pugs
I kissed them and cuddled them
’til I was worn out
but then I thought
did they put on cuteness spray
because now I remember
how much I hate pugs
because I am

Baranoff Elementary


My Heritage

I am from games and pizza
I am from cookies
I am from the believing in
I am from the big and crazy house
I am from the bluebonnets and
the acorn tree.
I am from the different neighborhood
I’m from opening presents on Christmas Eve
and going on big vacations in summer
I’m from Danielle and Mike
and Carleigh and Caitlyn
I’m from park parties and
my pool.
I come from “I love you” and
“Stop it now!”
I’m from soccer and basketball
I’m from Austin, Texas and
I’m from Mexico and America
I’m from tortillas and enchiladas
I’m from cousins.
I’m from pictures kept in the garage and
pictures on the wall
I am from my imagination and living in a different neighborhood.
