Hot cocoa is an earned treat.
It tastes sweet and chocolatey.
It sounds swishy as the ocean.
It smells like a chocolate river.
It is as brown as a bear.
It makes me feel like heaven.
your vision, your voice
Hot cocoa is an earned treat.
It tastes sweet and chocolatey.
It sounds swishy as the ocean.
It smells like a chocolate river.
It is as brown as a bear.
It makes me feel like heaven.
Clouds are fluffy as a pillow.
Clouds are white as a clean white shirt.
They are big and small.
A nimbus brings thunder and rain.
Clouds are fluffy as a pillow.
Regret looks at me with hunger in it’s eyes
It chops me up into fine bite sized pieces
Its puts me in a boiling pot filled to the brim with my mistakes
It stirs me around so I can relive
what I want so badly to take back
Fork and knife in hand, it takes a bite
Then another
And another
And another
It knows a little to well how to stay
How to never leave me alone
Thats why everyday
Inside and out
It eats me alive
A mom that stays at home and works hard.
A dad that goes to work everyday and works hard.
A older sister that goes to college.
Another sister that goes to high school.
A little brother going to elementary school.
Then theirs me that does the exact same thing.
Will anything ever change?
The frame of the car
Might have a scratch or two
but keeps everything together
The engine
always keeping us moving
and is an essential for all situations
The windows
The one who sees all
and is interesting and helpful
The paint
The final touch
the most fun
and a bright pop of color
The seats
Tries to comfort you sad butt but most likely doesn’t succeed
My family van is a
moving part, needing each other
and helping along the way.
Gorzycki Middle Schol
Our eyes dart around, a quick glance,
And with our blurred and heavy gaze
We don’t think twice about the chance
Our minds are far too captivated-
By our thoughts so ever-present
Our daydreams, our worries, and our tears
So we begin our descent
Gorzycki Middle School
we, humans, walk around the earth with no regards for anyone or anything. we stomp around like elephants with no care.
selfish beings, we want everything to ourselves. we are all hypocrites, but the worst kinds of humans are the ones that think they are not in any wrong. the ones that think they do no wrong.
be the human you want everyone to be. be the change.
St. Mark Lutheran School
I start from a seed
As small as a bead
I form roots
They grow out in shoots
Then I come out of the ground
I don’t weigh a pound
I see green
Then orange, and red, and brown
Then white
Pure white light
I realize I am taller now
I watch the seasons as they go by
I watch the skies fly
And before I know it
I am a full grown oak tree.
She walks through the door,
There is blood on the floor,
They are both fine,
But the room is getting tighter,
As she cleans,
They both make a scene,
They are both staring ,glaring, and snarling.
Later that night,
They get in a fight,
Breaking it up I watch and listen,
While looking at a ocean of memories washing away,
It’s all the water going down the drain.
Now she has a new home,
Happy as can be,
We’re a little sad,
But still show a little glee.
Casey Elementary
We are born on an untaken path,
We start walking.
We walk and walk
Suddenly on the sides,
We see things.
We see faces and other people,
We see art,
We hear music,
We taste food,
We start to grow.
We keep walking the path,
We hit obstacles and road blocks.
We push through.
We learn to solve problems,
We continue.
We meet others walking on paths of their own,
We create friendships,
We discover love and companionship,
We construct families.
We carry a blanket stick of accomplishments,
And memories,
And deeds.
The path begins to fade and become worn,
We lose friends,
We lose loves,
We find the path hard to follow.
We reach the end of the path,
Alone, worn, tired, and broken.
Finally, there’s the cliff,
No bottom in sight.
We plunge into the dark.
And nothing.
William B. Travis High School