My Family is the Universe

My Family is the Universe
My mom is the Sun, keeps everything going

My grandparents are the Moons
Always providing more light and love

My big sister is the Stars
Not always visible, but still giving love and beauty

My little sister is the flares on the sun
Beautiful, yet dangerous

My cats and dog are the shooting stars
Comforting and calming

I am the Earth
Friend to many and lover of all

Gorzycki Middle School



It clenches one,
Like a prisoner trying to break free of tight bindings.
But not in an evil or malicious way.
More like a mother holding a child,
Gently, yet tightly, with warmth,
And the water seems to hold one captive,
Not wavering until one requires air,
And they see the liquid,
It’s great drowning force parting to thin skin.
And as one draws breath, the water becomes cold on soft flesh,
As if to spite one for abandonment.

Casis Elementary


One Hundred Years From Now

Sometimes I wonder what the world will be like,
one hundred years from now.
Will people have computer chips,
Implanted above the brow?
Will newly found aliens,
To us, perform and bow?
Or will they pen us,
As if we were all cows?
With all these silly thoughts,
I realize how pointless it is to think,
of what the world will be like,
One Hundred Years From Now.

Casis Elementary


This Feeling

This is the worst feeling ever,
The uncertainty is throbbing.

What is going on?
Where is she?

This never happens,
I must know.

I am lost at sea, one-million miles off course,
I am scared for her,
I am scared for me.

I need her.

William B. Travis Early College High School



We are born on an untaken path,
We start walking.
We walk and walk,
Suddenly on the sides,
We see things.

We see faces and other people,
We see art,
We hear music,
We taste food,
We start to grow.

We keep walking the path,
We hit obstacles and road blocks.
We push through.

We learn to solve problems,
We continue.

We meet others walking on paths of their own,
We create friendships,
We discover love and companionship,
We construct families.

We carry a blanket stick of accomplishments,
And memories,
And deeds.

The path begins to fade and become worn,
We lose friends,
We lose loves,
We find the path hard to follow.

We reach the end of the path,
Alone, worn, tired, and broken.

Finally, there’s the cliff,
No bottom in sight.

We plunge into the untaken path.
And nothing.

William B. Travis Early College High School


It’s a Passion


Down the field it goes

Dribble, Pass, Shoot, Score!

If it was only that easy

People don’t understand
The Sweat
The Tears
The Blood
The Cramps of your working muscles

All those practices,
So much running you might even passout
“Get on the line” he demands
‘Line’ makes you hate math even more than you already did

You struggle to gain a new skill
To prove to Coach that you should be the starting lineup
Not Her

Why do the coaches make you compete with your best friends
Push each other off the ball,
Push each others back,
until one of us claims victory

Aren’t friends supposed to have each others back,
Guess when your on the field it doesn’t matter,
That is why you train 8 times a week,
Doesn’t make sense, Huh

One Practice to Another.
With Excitement,
With Exhaustion,
Most Importantly With Passion

You choose your story
But, You leave your leagacy
