Title Pending

Your mind is an abyss
Sinking, cherishing
every bliss
You can get
Devoid of color
Constantly switching
From one shade to another

Once dark, once light
There’s no in between
I wish you could see
How much the lies
Won’t leave you be

You lock yourself in
The ones who’ve stayed Always willing to listen to your sings
And be the ones you won’t let get away

Waves rise around your fragile feet
We hear the silent scream
Yet you do nothing but let it take you
To a world with no dreams

You’ve said it before
A black and white door
Waiting to be opened
Your decision poor

You’ve been caught in a trap
Imagination closed with a cap
Been made to believe
Safety is impossible to receivec



A Very Special Mom!

My special Mom, she’s the best!
If I lose her that’s it.

She is more than just a Mom, she is a loving Mom!
She makes the best food.
We love her with all of our hearts!

So if I lose her that’s it.
So I will never lose her!

She is more than a friend,
she is the best Mom I ever had!
She gives me sisters and brothers.

So you see, if I lose her that’s it.
She will always be with me until the end!

Boone Elementary

second grade

Ode to Penny

Oh Penny, I miss you dear,
In a flash, you’re not here
The day I found you lying on the grass,
I knew in a second the day would crash
I ran to the house not knowing what to do,
All around me the sadness flew
I got to the house Dad rushed out,
Washed her in water then gave a shout
This couldn’t be real thoughts flew through my head,
But I knew in a second Penny was dead.

Gorzycki Middle School



your sand is such a wonder
you feel as soft as a pillow
as powdery as sugar
your shells though hard are unique
different colors, different shapes,
different textures not one is the same
your water blue and clear filled with coral of all colors
with fish angel fish among them
with dolphins, whales, and seahorses
in which are so lucky to live in your kingdom of beauty



Her Again

She stood on the edge of her world
with invisible wings, tattered and torn
slowly patching themselves
deciding right then
that she would renew her own scars
lashes strung with dewdrops of freedom
she soaked in the power of exisiting
as life danced under her skin
color collided with curiosity in her irises
eager hands stretched
toward her own future
that teasingly strut in front of her
free from the capture of another, she was her again
she glowed with multi-faceted truths
she found herself in the gentle lift of her heels from the ground
fo the breath filling her lungs
like the filling of a pool with crystal clear water
and in the sure, steady beat
of her own repaired heart.



To Be a Cat

Oh to be a ball of fluff
It doesn’t even sound like much
But to be a cat
I would enjoy just that

To climb a tree,
Filled with glee
To be a cat
I would enjoy just that

To have nine lives
I could just relive
To be a cat
I would enjoy just that

To get petted nice and snug
I could get a hug
To be a cat
I would enjoy just that




Lasting Forever
Going on and on
Starting at the end
Ending at the beginning
So it always repeats
And never ends

Before the world came to be
After it is gone
winding through the grassy plains
Climbing up mountains
Winding through different universes
Oh, It’s forever

Eternity, Eternity
Some love you
Some loathe you
You create age but
Unlike life
You are there
After they are gone
