Aunt Teney

You smell like old lady perfume
You have powered through tough times
You are my inspiration
My aunty

You know you are drawing closer to an ending
Although we predict you are about to restart

You are only 92 you say to yourself
You have no concern for how things play out

Love Oh Love(Love Poem)

Love oh Love

Love, a thing so sweet
I feel from my nose to my feet
I smile bright when loves in the air
And a warm breeze moves my hair
Sometimes love makes me cry
When I must say goodbye

With the sun and the moon
The day ends so soon
But I love through the night
With a bright light in the sky

Love, oh, love
A gift from above

An Ode To Doctor Who

I Love Doctor Who
I Watch the show and I read the books too
It makes me sad when he regenerates into another actor
But when the show is anew it’s always great

Doctor Who’s creatures are vast
From Timelords, to Sontarans, to Cybermen,
To Humans, to Angels, and Daleks are last
That’s just a few
But there’s a lot more too
When the show is anew.

Allegiance to The Library

When I am feeling happy, tired or dreary,
I go to my favorite place, the library.

I walk in and take a good look.
Then I chose an interesting book.

Sometimes I put books on hold.
But I’ll receive a fine if it’s more than 10 days old.

When I read a book, my mind relaxes.
Unlike some people, I do not need glasses.

The library is a place for knowledge,
and for free.
That is the kind of place for me!

My Family Comes From The Sea

We come from salty waters and the buzzing of bees
We come from sandy hands and scraped knees
Fresh fruit that melts on your tongue
Climbing the trees where it once had hung
Earth underneath our fingernails
Hair blowing beneath mighty sails

I was blossomed from the beauty of the tides
I can see it in the reflection of my father’s eyes
Warm as the sun and blue as the sea
I can see the home where my ancestors used to be
And when he speaks of the ocean I find myself falling in love
Warm waves, thick air, sun shining from above

Palermo gently calls my name
I know my father feels the same

Yet when I ask why my family left, I watch his eyes go dim
I suppose the American Dream has died along with a little part of him

L.C Anderson High School


El Atardecer

.Que te gusta mas
el dia o la noche?
Me gusta mas el atardecer
porque cuando lo veo
pienso en que todo es posible
y que todo es magico y es




What do you like more
the day or the night?
I like the sunset more
because when I see it
I think that everything is possible
and everything is magic and everything is

Ridgetop Elementary School