
I am from rattling toy trains
From television cartoons
And rainy dark days

I am from old rickety wall to wall homes

I am from joystick games
from flickering light bulbs
and common power loss

I am from deer hopping through the neighborhood and rolling grass fields

I am from climbing trees
and catching frogs
Vicky and Rodney

I am from fast food joints

I am from void of space and Earth’s core

I’m from zeppelins and cars

From lumbering cruise ships

From the now non existent Czechoslovakia
I am from the pages of a history torn out like an unwanted shirt


Gorzycki Middle School


Stash house

When I could roam the city, the tracks would take me
Down to the stash house
With the rusted tin hinged on its edging
The radiation warded my rougery
So I always found another way around
Only till a party would flank me could I muster my strength
We dressed in the grounds’ gray mud,
Slipped soundlessly beneath the stakes,
And left no monument undocumented
Seconds and minutes passed
The spores ignited our hearts and our brains
I forged a blunt weapon in the fire of my blitz
Bashing the chamber, more and more!
Anything inside could be mine, would be
Erupted by the clash of cold metal colliding with my molten arm
And just like that, we split
Panicked scratch of a hurried drag out the compound
My divided party stood against the keeper of this place
Waned, I exhaled its sick air

Austin High


The tree of my family

My Family is a Tree

My family is a tree with branches holding up the leaves of our relationship

My dad is the trunk of the tree strong and sturdy but even the trunk can fall at some times

My mom is the spring and summer leaves bright, stunning and, beautiful

My brother is the chipmunk of the tree digging into everyone’s business

My grandparents are the roots, making us all who we are

My stepmoms are the apples of the tree coming in and they turn out to be sweet

And I’m the leaves, connected to everyone in some sort of way



The Pool

The Pool

I love the pool, water so clear, so cool, the bubbles as far as the eye can see. That is really where I’m meant to be. If I had a wish I would be a fish. Swimming on forever, and my school, would be the people at the pool.

Diane Gorzycki Middle School


Will You?

Will you be there?

When I was five and you thought I had cooties

I wondered if you would still want to be friends.

When we started middle school and you started having feeling for girls

I wondered if you would still stand by my side or leave for the first girl that walked by.

Will you be there when we go to high school and I grow into my body?

Will you notice me?

Those little hints I threw at you,

Will you follow the trail,

Or go towards someone else’s gingerbread house?

Even when you have fallen for me I wonder if you will stay.

Will you be there once we get married

Or do I not give you enough?

Will you still be there even when you have seen me at my worst?

Will you pity me?

Will you be scared of me?

What will you do when I am at my lowest point?

Will I be too much to handle?

Will you comfort me?

What about when we have spent years married together?

Will you wake up one day and decide you don’t want me anymore?

Instead of reassuring me of my insecurities,

Will you find the constant need for approval annoying?

Will you see the stretch marks trailing down my arms and legs,

And see them as the ugly scars reminding you of how fat I was?

Will you look at me and just see a stranger lying in your bed?

Will you walk to the bathroom,

Stare back at me through the mirror,

And decide…

You don’t love me anymore.

And you never knew if you did.

Will you?

L.C. Anderson High School


The Art of Self-Destruction

I guess it’s karma
For all the nights I would purposefully keep myself awake
My own form of self-suffering
Of self-destruction
It was how I kept control
Taking away the one thing I thought I always had

Now that’s what I can no longer do
I rest hour by hour
Minutes by minute
Nothing to nothing
All it does is make the dark circles under my eyes grow
They start shaping from color to formations
Now they’re bags
Insomniac or no

But in the end I’ll forever be a believer in the Art of Self-Destruction

L.C. Anderson High School


How Beautiful

If only you could see how beautiful you are
If only you could see what I see
You’d see the way you light up my world
By only just existing

Every time you smile
I swear my life becomes ten times more pure
Every time you laugh
I swear I become ten times more innocent
You opened me up to a new world
Surrounded by color and clarity
I don’t know where my life would be
If you were not right next to me

I watch the sun as it kisses your face
The way it sets your hair aglow
Or the way it lights up your eyes
And the piercing black becomes a startling brown in which I wish more to know

When you secretly tried to hide your tears
But I catch one rolling down your cheek
I would do anything to fight your demons
And hug you into a peaceful sleep

When you become angry
And try to hold in your frustration
All I can focus on is the cute way your button nose scrunches up
And I forget all of my agitation

When you laugh
It sets heaven alight
You are the cause for all the bright stars in the sky
That shine clearly in the night

If only you could see how beautiful you are
If only you could see what I see
You’d see the way you light up my world
By only just existing

L.C. Anderson High School



She was the girl with the walls that stood tall.

She was the girl that appeared to have it all.

With joy in her heart and a skip in her walk.

She would bring a smile to your face every time she talked.

She looked like she could fight the dark.

She was the girl that would leave her mark.

But one day those walls came tumbling down.

And with that she lost her crown.

L.C. Anderson High School



It’s just a number, right?

It’s your whole life.
You eat exercise.
You breathe pounds.
You see in numbers.
It begins to take over everything.

First it starts with exercise.
Minutes turn to hours.
Then you start to count calories.
Thousands turn to hundreds until they turn to nothing.
The numbers start to grow in your head.
They’re the last thing you think of before you go to sleep.

Second is weight.
The first few days your body aches from hunger, but soon you begin to fall in love with it.
The pain.
It reminds you that what you’re doing is all for not.

The first change you notice is your collarbone.
You notice that it’s starting to pop out more.
The next is in your hands.
The bones you used to never see start to move and become more visible.
Then your ribs start to appear a lot more when you breathe or stretch.
Your legs then begin to shrink and the gap starts to appear.
Your arms become skinnier and your face gives it all away.
The thinness and fragileness of it gives away that you’re dying inside.
The dark circles under your eyes contrast with your skin and those around begin to see how exhausted you are.

And there you have it.
You’re starting to die.
The pain is gone at this point, but the thing that remains is the emptiness you feel inside.
You’re hollow.
A shell with a soul long gone.
You no longer feel the life, the energy inside you.
You begin to wonder how long you’ll keep going.
What’s your breaking point?
Every pound seems to take away a bit of your spark.
Pretty soon there’s nothing left.
You begin to ask yourself, “Will this be the death of me?”
Will I let this consume me?
You begin to start thinking yes.
You don’t care if you’re starving.
You don’t care if you begin to lose the ones around you.
Because after all the numbers are what truly make you happy.

But its no big deal, right?
You don’t care.
The other’s around you either took too long to notice or ignored it.
You’ll be fine, right?
After all, you’re only dying?

It’s just a number, right?

L.C. Anderson High School
