
The world is silent
The sky is blue
But the ground is as white
As clouds

Wing appear around you
Beautiful forms fill your vision
You see a light so bright
You look away

What surrounds you
Is softer then clouds
As sold as rock
But as beautiful as…..

Angels are what surround you
Are what you see

As beautiful as

Ann Richards School for Young Women



I push myself
Deeper into the couch,
Not wanting to turn on the TV,
But I do,
Read the news headline,
Over and over again,
Not being able to process the thought,
I turn around ask my mom what it means,
But she says she does not want to talk about it,
But she’s just hiding from reality,
I turn back to the screen,
Try to find the felling,
But it comes to quickly,
Just as the bear’s claw did,
Sunk into my back
The wobbling screams,
The scarlet blood drops on the dirt road.

Ann Richards


Unappricated Notes

He doesnt play the stage
The stage played them
Crying with the unappricated music
Making a last ditch effort to unuse it
He wants a half note, not the measure
Unplayed whole notes, death to a bar
Heart pounding, with wooden sounds About to burst into a trillion pounds
On him
Passion is the first thing he has
Nervousness is his third curse
Music second to none
Best at none
A slave to the notes
A rage to the notes condition
No one listens to a musician



Old Black Saab

Old black Saab
By Miles S.

Old black Saab,
I’m so glad you are gone,
You smelled like gasoline,
Your headlight was out,
You sucked a lot!

I never really liked you,
My mom didn’t want you
But she got you anyway.
You got pooped all over,
You were beat and torn,
Scratched and broken

You were kind of sad,
You didn’t smell new or anything close to it,
You smelled old,
I have a new car now.
I don’t have to worry about getting stranded
in the middle of nowhere.

Zilker Elementary



by Orla T

In line at Kalahari lugging a heavy tube,
uncomfortable from the dampness which is copying my mood,
Trying to talk over the noise which is ringing in my ears.

Fog hovering in the air and threatening to give us aches, making it very clear they’re offering no mistakes.

Mom bugging us to drink more water,
While my skin’s drying hot and fast,
Making it feel like it’s rock
and planted in the ground with no one to dig it up.

Zilker Elementary


my grilled cheese

my grilled cheese
has all the qualities.
it fill me with the light
i could eat it all night.
all in one bite.
all gooys and cut
i wish my mom could make it more often but…
shes busy as a bee
no more grilled cheese for me.
my brother ate my last slice
which wasnt very nice

gorzycki middle



I walk along a
straight path
I see a Box
But what lies within
I can not be sure
But should i take that chance?
I could lose it all
I could become famous
Or i can live the life i have
Who knows what will happen
I open the Box
I took the chance



A tree


A tree
Used for many things
Some you do on a sunny day
To display
The mask that you put
To shield
That bits of life
That you want no one to see
So you sit on the dank of the waterway next to the tree.
And wait for the storm to pass
For the rain to dissipate
And the sun
To came
Out and you show yourself
Without no mask.



Buzzer Beater

Dribbling, sprinting down the court as fast as lightning
Pass to the best player

The best player catches the ball easily
He dribbles around a player and takes a shot
The crowd goes wild; their team won!

To congratulate me on my awesome poem contact me at 512-915-7917

Gorzycki Middle School



Today is a new day
Rays of sun shine like pure gold
Drizzling down from the sky
Like rain,
but happier.
The cool breeze,
swirling sweet smells of flowers
all around.
Gently comforting,
a refreshing embrace.
A sweet lullaby
Sung by the birds,
Waking the trees
from their nightly slumber.
Stretching their long limbs,
opening their eyes
old but lively.
The moon fades away
into the ever- brightening sky,
as she has had a restless night of work.
Silken rose petals,
laden with dew drops.
Crystals glittering in the sun.
As the morning spins
into afternoon,
the sun slides
to the center
of the soft,

Lamar Middle School