My Dog’s Bad Habits

My dog has a bad habit.
He always falls.
He trips on his toys.
And he walks into walls.

My dog has another bad habit.
He likes to dig holes.
Every time he does it, he gets in trouble.
Now there is nothing in his bowls.

My dog has a third bad habit.
He likes to climb the wall.
But when he doesn’t pay attention,
He ends up with a big fall.

My dog has a fourth bad habit.
He digs into the trash.
When he gets in trouble,
He runs in a dash.



I look out of the window and see

The world doesn’t look how it used to be


It’s clear and white


So I put on my warm boots and rush

outside on my pathway

there is ice on my pathway

These is the tiniest bit of snow.


I have a pond in a bucket, it’s frozen and thick.

Throughout the day the ice melted and so did the snow

but the lily pond stayed frozen.


Also as my friend told me

It might freeze again tonight.

So maybe Just maybe

I can wake up

and I will see the snow

and ice again.