
Blue is like the shining sky.
Blue is like the ocean, deep and blue.
Blue is the paint job rubbing off a car.
Blue smells like blueberries.
Blue takes like blue raspberry jolly ranchers.
Blue sounds like the ocean waves crashing on shore.
Blue looks like a strip in the rainbow.
Blue feels like soft blue raspberry cotton candy.
Blue makes me cool and happy.
Blue is the state flower, Bluebonnet.

Boone Elementary



Black is like a coal mine
Black is like a night sky
Black is a panther
Black smells like oil in a car
Black tastes like burned food
Black sounds like silent
Black looks like shadows
Black feels like loneliness
Black makes me Me
Black is ink in a pen

Boone Elementary



Space, there’s so much space filled with dangers & adventures
So many questions to be answered
Each unique in its own way
Each special and daring
Each positive and daunting
Each wanting and needing
And all about every possibility in space
In a universe filled with questions
So many answered and so many left blank, space

Highland Park Elementary


The Asteroid

Like a bullet in the sky,
Faster than airplanes passing by.
As fast as a cheetah, as quick as a wink
Don’t miss the asteroid so don’t blink.
The asteroid is crashing down
aiming for the big wide ground.
Down with a crash!
Burning to ash!
A crater has been placed
in the empty space.

Fern Bluff Elementary School


Nature’s Life

As the wind blows the sunshine
And how the wind blows and the ground seeps
The birds sing as the soft spring rain splatters in your sleep
As a little sprout sprouts from its seed, a person is born
And with delight, Nature is born and born again
Until Nature will end
But that is pretend.

Kiker Elementary