
Blue the color of sad
Blue the color of rain,
Red the color of mad
Red the color of rage,
Yellow the color of mellow
Yellow the color of calm,
Orange the color of bellow
Orange the color of yell,
Green the color of go
Green the color of good,
Purple the color of pretty
Purple the color of beauty.


Teal is like the ocean
Teal is like the sky
Teal is rain pouring down
Teal smells like blooming flowers
Teal tastes like blueberries
Teal sounds like ocean waves
Teal looks like ice cream
Teal feels like cold water
Teal makes me happy
Teal is beautiful


I stand tall, I stand brave.
I run in the wind,
my hair flies behind me.
I see mountains fly past me,
I feel the wind push,
I race it,
I win,
victory for me!
Someone is on my back,
I leap over a pole,
I am in a race,
I win again, victory!!
I am a horse of a brave kind,
I am wild and I am free!!!
I am the horse that every horse
has always wanted to be!!!!