Drama oh drama
Why did I cause this terrible drama
Now I’m mad
and Lilly’s sad
The teacher’s CRAZY
And now she loves to be LAZY
Category: 03rd
It’s snowing and we’re all bundled inside
crack, crack is the hot, hot fireplace
now all we need is a Christmas tree
Left right or straight
I guess I will go straight
my teammate is ahead
as she takes off she kicks
She scores
now we won the game
thanks to our teammate
Pets are a magical thing
They help you when you are sad or mad
But sometimes pets are sad
But let’s not talk about that
Pets are important in our life
They can scare you sometimes like when they’re hurt
But I bet you make them more happy like they do for you
If you love them, they will love you
So be nice to them
And you will have a new friend.
A beautiful, interesting place
Up there with a planet called Mars,
It’s dark, but also has shiny stars
And beautiful, colorful, dangerous nebula,
And a planet called Earth
That you’ve probably heard of,
It’s where we live,
Space has all kinds of different things
Like asteroids, super giants and Saturn with rings
I don’t want to go up, but I want to learn a lot about it
Yellow, yellow, yellow
Like the sun
Yellow is a pineapple
Yellow is like a lightning bolt
You watch that yellow Spongebob,
Laugh and have a lot of fun
Yellow, yellow, yellow
A caution sign
Yellow tastes like butter popcorn
Yellow smells like sour limes
Looks like a rubber duck
Yellow is mustard
Yellow is the yellow submarine
Yellow is Bart Simpson
Finally, yellow is a beautiful sunflower
A time of year that everyone looks forward to
There’s naughty and nice boys and girls
They can be tall or small
The good ones get presents and the bad ones get coal Or nothing at all
There’s snow and there’s decorations with lights
And Christmas trees, hot cocoa, a fire, and
The Ocean
Lots of animals
Giant, blue and very nice
Most of our planet
Una Noche Buena en México
Es la Noche Buena pero yo no veo
lo que normalmente veo.
En vez de las estrellas
veo millones de personas
con una vida,
las luces de sus espíritus brillantes.
En vez de la oscuridad de la noche
veo los problemas
que las luces arreglan
cada día de su vida.
Las estrellas son como los humanos
son luces que nacen,
viven y mueren.
Tienen una vida.
A veces una vida fugaz.
En vez de estrellas fugaces
veo los sentimientos de las luces.
En vez de la luna
veo honestidad, esperanza
y verdad.
Hoy es la Noche Buena
la noche de ver más allá
que solo el cielo de la noche.
Más allá de las estrellas,
es el tiempo de ver la verdad
que es lo que mas importa.
Playa Brillante
El océano esta tranquilo
el sol esta caliente
es tiempo donde pescan
y de relajar la mente
Hermanos jugando voleibol
es tiempo de nadar
personas jugando futbol
y los hombres van a pescar
Personas pescan peces
niños juegan en la arena
personas comen sus nueces
mientras miran las ballenas
Personas tomando limonada
personas se sientan en la toalla
llena toda esta esa playa
aunque el agua este helada