El perro y la luna

Al perro se le ve que quiere comer la luna.
El perro no sabe qué hacer para comerse a luna.

El perro se escapó de la casa
solo para comerse la luna.
Que tipo de perro es.

El perro que travieso es.

El perro coje una escalera para treparse para comerse la luna,
cuando está en la mitad
el perro se cae y !pummmmmm!
Se quebró los huesos.

Berkman Elementary


I Fly

I am flying in the sky
I see a fly
he doesn’t look out
and pop crow scares him out
but i’m still flying
nothing can stop me now
I see my house
it looks very small
i fly around
but then i see my school
it sure does look cool
while i fly in the sky
I start seeing the moon
I think it’s time to go home
my parents are calling me they said come to sleep

Berkman Elementary


I like trees and clocks

I like trees and clocks.
I like clocks because they are gold and sparkling.

And I like trees because they are so tall and cool
and I like to climb them so much.

And a play on top of the trees
and I use the clocks to see the time so I know if am late or early.

And a climb trees to go away from the people
and not see my friends when I am mad of them.

I feel free when a go up on trees
and feel more like I am the only one in the world.

Berkman Elementary


This is Who I Am

I am from Austin.
I am from the state of Texas.
I am from Mexico in my veins.
A quarter Irish. I am indigena.
And I speak two languages.

I am from tamales, pizza, candy, paletas payasos and bubu lubus.
I am from robots, Star Wars, and TV all weekend.

I am from ADHD. I am from a firework brain.
I am from, “Take your Ritalin,” “Make your bed,” “You’re white.”
But I’m not white, my skin is just a covering.
The inside is what makes me who I am.

I am from a mom and dad from different places.
One from Texas. One from Mexico.
A dad who doesn’t let me speak English to him.
I am from four brothers, but I only live with one.
I am from Grandpa Al who liked to eat fish. And so do I.
I am from my mama Tomasita and a walk-away great-great-grandfather.
I am from the roots of mama Celia, who still lives in Mexico today.
I am from abuela, abuelo, Grammy, Kappy, Grumpy, Nana, Nannie and Paux.
I am from uncles and tias.

I am from “Good morning, Silas,” “I love you, Silas,” “El flojo trabaja doble.”
I am from valuable pictures of the loved ones I have and the loved ones I lost.
I am from a loving family that will love me for a millenium.
I am from brothers that love me from the sky and from the earth.

I am from the heart of Texas and this is who I am.
Mexican-American. Bilingual. Me. Silas.

Perez Elementary


Little Sister

Raquel has left me to go off to college.
Gone away to get some special knowledge.
Marissa been in college for a while, she’s been there before.
But now she has friends and doesn’t call anymore.

It’s as if no one hears my calls.
They grew up so big, I seem so small.
They grew up so fast and I wish I could too.
I’m stuck in the past because they are 19 and 22.

Who are these people you ask.
They are my Family, my Friends.
But most importantly, they are my Sisters.

Chandler Oak Elementary


My Golden Retriever

I came upon a golden retriever.
She was so cute, I decided to keep her.

She was funny;
always in a good mood.
She never was mean
or with poor attitude.

But then one day
her mind flew away
And all in a flash
She was gone in a dash.

She flew down the stairs
and straight out the door.
Still in the foggy forest
I heard the barks, then a roar!

I tracked her down
and finally caught her.
I knew what I had to do,
I taught her.

I taught her to sit.
I taught her to stay.
So never in eternity
Will she run away.

It’s the end of the year.
It’s Christmas Eve
So I give my dog
a gift to receive.

I see how much
she likes her doghouse home.
She likes the sweet taste
Of her state-of-the-art bone.

I will cherish my dog
Every single day.
I hope that life
will stay this way.

Fern Bluff Elementary



Can’t wait to go back
Great, freezing, laughter.
Not often enough

Digging tunnels, giggling
Collapsing snow, sledding
Funny snowmen

Soft, packed snow
White fast snow balls
Strong forts

Brrr chilly and perfect to me.

Cactus Ranch Elementary