I’m Homework (false comparison)

Come on I’m due,
tomorrow stuffed in your pile of junk,
in the middle of your room,
trust me this won’t be fun,
you have about a day left,
Please don’t drop your average,
I’m on top of your art project,
mother will be mad,
if you come back with failing,
come on just find me,
looks like you got out of today,
soon you will have to do me though,
this is so not fair,
i deserve more then a zero


My Lost Toy

Why did you leave me?
Did I do something wrong?
How could you forget the key?
And set off the bomb?

I’ve flown over a thousand flights,
Waiting for a child to claim me.
And just pick me up out of sight.
Flying over the glistening blue sea.

Hey look, someone’s coming!
Hopefully, to take me.
But I won’t turn out bumming,
If it’s not easy.



I am from crying babies
From lonely nights
And warm evenings

I am from the giant grey building looming in the distance
I am from cherry blossoms
And faux flowers

From the doorstep of a school and lost secrets

I am from gliding boats soaring from the rivers
And god above

I’m from dark hair flying in the breeze

From sticky rice and warm soup

I am from the spicy Hunan girls

I am from nowhere and somewhere
Dark eyes and fortune cookies
From the taken and received

I am from the mirror
Each shred and glass
And now in forever


Family Metaphor (Bunch of Bananas)

Mom- The stem, she helps us stay on track to get where we need to go in life

Dad- The outside banana, he protects us from harm and keeps us safe

Me- The inside banana, because I’m the youngest one in the family

Gail- The other inside banana, because she is easily harmed so she stays safe

Adam- The outside banana, because he comforts us, does games with us and brings us places we want to go