Apple Pie

Its Sweet Smell On A Summer Morning
Repeating Your Name In A Mannerly Font
Giving You A Quick You Can’t Stop Eating Me Warning
Its Beautiful 3 Colored Heart

The Apple Crumble On top
With a fall candle shops essence
If I could I’d eat it non-stop
You Can Feel Its Warm Presence

Apple Pie
A Warm Welcoming Heaven


Roses cascade from the walls,
The most beautiful flowers on the most painful vines
Just like my memories,
They hurt to feel but they brighten my day
Bittersweet sugarcoating, I miss you

I wish to go back, I wish for more
It’s never enough but there’s so much I could do
To keep us together, to stay a pair
We complement each other
Like a bouquet of fresh flowers in the most elegant of vases

You lay there with my hand in yours,
The sun paints the leaves a gorgeous gold
Reminds me of your laugh, that smile I haven’t seen in ages
Open up, bloom as bright as the shining sun
But don’t get too close, I know what’s hiding.

Choking on Emotions

I feel my anxiety wrap around my neck
It’s my personalized noose
It’s not quite tight enough to lul me into the comforting black void
It will cause me endless stress.

I feel my fear of people standing in front of me
I’m drowning in darkness
It keeps me from making genuine connections
It will cause me endless loneliness.

I feel my people pleaser instincts create a concrete mask on my face
No one will ever be able to truly know me
I’ll always just be a persona
It will cause me endless depression.

Life and Death

Since the big bang it’s always been this way
Life ticking downward till your last day

Why does it have to last forever everyone will say
It can happen anytime of the year even in beautiful May

All of us slowly cooking on a rocky tray
All destined to die like the people at pompeii

You can dance and play,
But everyone has to pay

From the glamorous bay
To a place far, far away

Your life will always sway,
But when you go I hope you can say hey
I’m pretty happy it turned out this way.


Thin tip
along the starched paper
staining the page,
a flow of creativity
as pitch-black
as the sunless
corners of a deep
filling an immense lake
the perfect round
and smooth rock
and tapping
the opaque water,
inky ripples rolling
to all corners.

Below the surface
a tentacled creature
breathes in through
fleshy gills
and pushes the air out,
creating fastly
that catapult it
The flat rock
falls by this
iridescent being
and both are
in a dark cloud of


The whole landscape is pitch dark,
All that can be seen is the moon and the stars
The trees have grown still
And the air has a chill
All that is awake,
Bats, frogs, crickets, raccoons, snakes

All through the night
They glide in through the sky
Some leap far and high
Some swim in a crystal lagoon
Some howl at the glowing moon

When the sun begins to rise
They crawl into their den, close their eyes
And take a nap until
All the land is dark and still

Rain forest

Tall trees
With large fanning leaves,
Vines that run around the tree in a spiral
Reaching for sweet light
Above the rain forest.
A sloth gripping onto the mossy branches,
A red bird perched on a log
Singing a cheerful macaw song


Bringing joy, color, and life to our world
Each with their own intricate design
Beautiful and unique

A sea turtle
A radiant shell
With hexagon-like sections
Cascading down
Each section bursting with color.
Beautiful fins
Caught in a net
Tangled in our
Struggling, hurting, longing to be free

That’s in the Past

Remember when Christmas came,
We would all wake up early
and run downstairs to claim
our presents, the smell of the tree earthly.

Remember how we used to play all day,
inside and outside
Mom would yell to come clean up, but we wanted to stay
So we’d run in and toss everything out of sight.

Remember when we were closer,
When we laughed more and fought less
When time moved slower
and there was no stress.

Now that’s in the past,
for now I know nothing can last.