
Darkness always falls at the end of the day Suffering through the night
They all talk and whisper and say
Why can’t we live in the light?


We won’t make it here comes the snow
A dark in your soul makes you shiver Found a boat of light why can’t we just row Across




The darkness creates a forever cold In the agony of losing him
Light and warmth is to bold
In the eyes of the Grim

Let’s make a fire with some tinder
But no here comes the darkened winter

Gorzycki Middle School








the sound makes against your icy and refreshed.eyes bright as a diamond.





now the colorful leaves turn into to white colorless piles of snow.
the nice refreshing air that made your skin breath is now suffocating in the winter chill. the once bright spirit is now a dull soul.
seasons change. people change.

Gorzycki Middle School


If You Could Speak To Me

If you could speak to me Oh the things I would say, For the hours we’d talk All done in a day.


If you could speak to me, now While you prance with me,
You’d love me like lips to a song Like the tides love the ocean and the sea.


If you could speak to me
A tear should never drop, You could never cry like the rain But I would never stop.

d r i p

d r o p

So since you can’t speak to me No words left to convey, For the hours we rest
In silence we say


Gorzycki Middle School


Trapped in the Water’s Dance

Crashing, arched waves shaking the sea floor with their dance
Trapping you in where you can only hear The Ocean’s music,
The Ocean’s eyes on you like a person across the room,
The Ocean is hungry for her prey from above;

Diving down wondering what lies below, which step to take next
The waters controlling you with they rhythmic beat,
Luring you in to be stuck there forever,
Her movement, a rat tat tat from the bass drum she plays,
Now you can’t escape
Her beauty, forcing us to come down with her; the same steps over
and over

The Ocean’s creatures, her children, come for us, swimming as we sink
Into a pit of despair, no room for air where we survive;
Stop her waltz, gain back control
Quit her dance, end your time with her

All is well on land, free with your feet
The Ocean has new prey to trick
No more bricks on your back while you swim; make your own moves
Only watch The Ocean from afar, safe on solid ground
She will never truly leave you; you will still dance for her
But now you’re on your own

Gorzycki Middle School




A pencil

Purchased shiny, sharp, new

Then life begins

The wear and tear starts

Grinding down on the lead

Eventually it gets sharpened

Eventually can’t come soon enough

This repeats for quite some time

Then it’s useless



It’s thrown away

A shell of its former self

Forgotten, Replaced


Gorzycki Middle School


Life is a roller coaster

Life is sometimes sad
Life is sometimes happy
Life is an emotional roller coaster
You’re always on the edge of your seat
You never know what will come next.

Sometimes you go out of your comfort zone
Sometimes you are a little too comfortable
Sometimes you just don’t know anymore.
When you are happy you feel like you are dancing on the ceiling
When you are sad you just want to hide and cuddle up in a blanket

Life can be like a rainbow – energetic, exciting and happy!
Life can also be like a knife stabbing you in the back.
But you have to push through it
You learn new lessons every day
That’s just part of life.

Gorzycki Middle School


Morning Sounds

When I wake up, I hear the sounds
dancing through the air
the barking of the hounds
that are gnawing on an old lawn chair.

I hear the birds chirping
and the lawn mowers mowing
and the neighbor’s office converting
into a new bedroom for their family that is growing.

I walk downstairs to get some food
and almost trip over my sister’s bears.
I say to her, “You’re screwed.”

She gives me an attempt at a glare
as I hear the sounds in the air.

Gorzycki Middle School



Hope is
a dream
Like a warm cup of hot chocolate
Snow falling
To the white ground
Like bubbles floating against a blue sky

Beautiful bluebonnets in the green grass
The sun shining and smiling for all the world to see
The morning dew sparkling in the morning sunlight
Hope is one of the most magical things
Hope is one of life’s greatest miracles

Gorzycki Middle School


Christmas tree

My family is a Christmas Tree
My dad is the Christmas tree branches, holding all of our love together
My mom is the ornaments so PRETTY and BRIGHT
My little sister is the candy cane SWEET and COLORFUL
My little brother is the star on the tree, the TIP and CRAZINESS of the family
My Grandma is the leaves putting life on the living tree
My Grandpa is the tinsel of the tree
Wrapping around us in a comforting way
My dogs are the presents giving WARMTH and COLOR and SWEETNESS to
the tree
I am the stem growing our love in the family

Gorzycki Middle School



Christmas is a holiday that I LIKE
Everyone is HAPPY like they just won the lottery
Everyone is EXCITED for Christmas
People spend time with family
The whole family is HAPPY
The decorations glow brightly
Everyone is in the Christmas spirit
Everyone sings Christmas carols like they are in a choir

Gorzycki Middle School