Ode to the Ice Cream Truck

Ode to the ice cream truck
The truck is white as snow
Yet hard as a rock
As everybody would pass by
A man would give out a freezing
Everybody would line up
It was so cold it would shatter your
So many different flavors
You could mix and match
Yet so cold it had to melt
And the mysterious man had to
And so must the freezing truck
But comes back everyday
Sometimes with something new
Would taste better than the last time
Lines for miles
Desperate as if we were starving
Hot as hell outside
Begging for ice cream

On top of our knees
And we all get what we want

Kealing Middle School


Not Like Before

Walking down the aisle
Lowered eyes
Bent heads
Tears fall
But we don’t bother
To wipe them up

We walk back
To the part that I dread
Because they always say the same thing-
That they’re sorry, but it’ll be okay
I believe them,
That it will be okay
But for now it’s not
I’m not

We go back to the house
Empty when we’re not there
But one by one we go
Leaving it like a graveyard-
Too quiet, too lonely, too cold
Not right
Not like before

O Henry Middle School


All I Need

All I Need

Tall buildings
reaching for the sky
so much activity
oh, my

Golf Carts darting
to and fro
cars are the freeway
go, go, go

Kids playing
riding their new bikes
those of which
are wonderful sites

Bed dressed in white
and gifts scattered on the floor
lights sparkling bright
not wanting anything more

Coming to a halt
then picking up speed
it’s not my fault
that my sister is all I need.

Bailey Middle School


The Day That Changed Our Lives

The Day That Changed Our Lives

146, Christmas they will never see
Behind locked bars and doors
They will forever be
Once singing and dancing through the day
Not enough windows to get away

Because of this act, it is true
Things are much safer for me and you
A few people right from the start
Took this tragedy
Straight to their hearts

They fought for us in court
And they’ve made some laws
They’ve helped us at work
And when we get old
We’ve them to thank for being so bold.


Bailey Middle School


Bees (A poem for 2 voices)


(Voice 1) (Voice 2)

Spring arising
Flowers blooming

bees buzzing bees buzzing

Flying around


Pollinating flowers
Back to hive

honey piling up honey piling up

humans scared
scared of bees

they run away they run away
so there is so there is

more honey!

flower to flower
flower to flower

Hive to hive
Back and forth

all Day

Bees buzzing Bees buzzing
all around! all around!



Ocean Breeze

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
beautiful waves in the ocean.
I smell salty, fresh, ocean air.
I see a clear, warm, fish filled sea
and the sun shining like there is no tomorrow.

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
the little village nestled up on the oceans sand.
There are mountains and hills overlooking the sea
and boats rocking on the port.
The smell of fish coming from the market fills the air.

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
cars parked at the dolphin aquarium.
A long line of people waiting for the exciting moment
that is yet to come.
I can hear children complaining that their feet hurt
and they want to see the dolphins.

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
2 aquariums with trainers and dolphins inside.
Dolphins jumping and doing tricks
and being feed buckets of fish.
The groups gathered together to watch how to perform with the dolphins.

In my mind I have a picture and in that picture I see
myself holding a rubber feeling dolphin.
I see myself holding on to the dolphins fin so scared
but then there was rush of excitement like everything bad had floated away.
All my fears, all my anxiety, all swam away like a group of fish.

Olivia Mates

Bailey Middle School



Regret looks at me with hunger in it’s eyes
It chops me up into fine bite sized pieces
Its puts me in a boiling pot filled to the brim with my mistakes
It stirs me around so I can relive
what I want so badly to take back
Fork and knife in hand, it takes a bite
Then another
And another
And another
It knows a little to well how to stay
How to never leave me alone
Thats why everyday
Inside and out
It eats me alive


A mom that stays at home and works hard.
A dad that goes to work everyday and works hard.
A older sister that goes to college.
Another sister that goes to high school.
A little brother going to elementary school.
Then theirs me that does the exact same thing.
Will anything ever change?



My Family Van

The frame of the car
Might have a scratch or two
but keeps everything together

The engine
always keeping us moving
and is an essential for all situations

The windows
The one who sees all
and is interesting and helpful

The paint
The final touch
the most fun
and a bright pop of color

The seats
Tries to comfort you sad butt but most likely doesn’t succeed

My family van is a
moving part, needing each other
and helping along the way.

Gorzycki Middle Schol




Our eyes dart around, a quick glance,
And with our blurred and heavy gaze
We don’t think twice about the chance
Our minds are far too captivated-


By our thoughts so ever-present
Our daydreams, our worries, and our tears
So we begin our descent

Gorzycki Middle School