Three Kinds Of Rain

Real rain drumming on the roof, calming you, or waking you up. Rain that sprinkles itself down on you as you run, catch drops in your mouth. Rain in your head “too many noises too many sounds”:
Rain that makes you sad and washes all hopes away, cancels a game or cancels a thought.
Ignore them, let your mental rain drain their comments away.
Ignore them, don’t let them make you stop writing.
Rain that drenches your clothes or your book. That makes you yell out in anger and rush back to your home. Into your family and their loving arms. The Rain wasn’t real, but painful and heart-breaking; imagine a drain and let it disappear.
They have a storm of their own.

A Moon Tipped By Wonder

The rivers
They lay in their
Churning and roiling

The lakes
They lay in their
Churning and roiling

The oceans
They lay in their
Churning and roiling

Blanketed by a foamy froth
And feathers dropped
By an innocent, unknowing pigeon
With every breath of water
It sloshes to and fro

The Cat

T he car stopped.
H orrified, I looked at my friend.
E verything had been fine until the
C at jumped in the road.
A fter that we drove off.
T he cat had been hit.
I was
S till trembling.
A ll I could think about was the
L oud crash, and
I couldn’t take my mind off the
V iolent scene.
E verything happened so fast.

My Ship

You aren’t enough.
The storm rages,
The waves grow rough.
You pilot your ship,
As best you can,
But then you slip
And run aground.

You feel so free,
Like you could do anything.
You could be anything you wanted to be.
You open your sails, unafraid,
And sail away.

You’re all alone.
No crew to assist you,
No port to call home.
The swells seem infinite,
Cold and blue.
Your ideas seem finite
When the endless possibilities
Are suddenly lonely.

There is a force, guiding you on
Call it love, call it God
It will never blow wrong
It will steer you home
Wherever home can be found

So don’t give up hope,
Because like a ship out at sea
You’ll never be deserted
Even if you can’t see.

A Walk by the Koi Pond

I walk in the
Long green grass
In the meadow
By the stream
Next to
The Koi Pond.

I walk by
The skinny stream
Glistening in the sunlight
Listening to
the trickle of the water
And the twitter of birds
Coming from
The Koi Pond.

I feel the wind
Tussle my hair
And push me with excitement
Walking me into
The path of
The Koi Pond.

I sit down on
The smooth stone rocks
That dangle off an edge
That overlooks
the waters of
The Koi Pond.

I watch the Koi fish
With magnificent colors like
orange, black,
Yellow, white,
and red
Glide gracefully
Through the water
And leave smooth ripples in the water
That makes my mind wander
As I get lost in the presence
Of The Koi Pond.


Envy is a slithering insecurity.
Envy is the feeling of drinking poison.
Envy is a snake.
Peace is the caress of water on skin.
Peace is the feeling of laying in the grass.
Peace is a whisper of a dream.
Anger is the ringing of ears.
Anger is the feeling of tearing paper.
Anger is a confining box.
Love is the flicker of heat across cheeks.
Love is the feeling of curling up in a blanket.
Love is the twinkling of fairy lights.
Hatred is a vein of darkness.
Hatred is the feeling of dirty dishwater.
Hatred is boiling storm clouds.
Joy is the warmth of sunlight.
Joy is the feeling of being uncontainable.
Joy is a jack-in-the-box.
Sadness is the pressure of a grey day.
Sadness is the feeling of a weighted blanket.
Sadness is humidity.
Emotions are a movie full of color.
Emotions are the feeling of an unpredictable book.
Emotions vary.