Wood and Ships

Wood and Ships
I can smell wet wood in the wind, hear the sound of masts breaking.
Eyes straight ahead, I stand staring straight into a tempest.
I stand, my brow tipped down by tarnished gold, watching the tide rise and fall, watching wood and ships, dreams and opportunities, rising and falling on the edge, dancing in the waves.

Which of these things to save from the water’s edge?
A sailboat half sunk in the sand, wrapped in it’s own shredded wing?
A future, caught in the seagrass, covered in barnacles…
A life, slowly bleeding ink, as the pages fall barren to the persistent saltwater.
When the tide goes out, will it take these lovely paths with it, out to sea, into the depths?

Yes, misfortunate moments may fall like a thunderbolt, or crash like thunder’s deep, harsh echo across a roiling sea.
Yes, The howling wind may rise, but the true danger is that thing, that beast of the water that rises from the abyss, and slowly claims more and more as it’s own.

The key to its halt l believe, has already sank, and I in my foolish naivete failed to claim it. Although it was not a goliath then.
I was warned by many beyond my years, covered in scars from battles I could not yet fathom fighting.
That I should build strong walls and deep reservoirs.
That I should raise my land above the coastal plain, and stockpile food.

Why couldn’t I see then?

It keeps moving, on and on like a great wheel.
That thing.
It already claimed more than I’d like to admit from the shores of my life, my kingdom.
I’d hate at this moment, for those last feeble dykes to break, letting in that tide, Time.

I fear less death, than the rising sea I cannot hope to stop.
A life not lived, to me, is less mournful than a life unfulfilled.
Still I forge on, in foolish battle with water, to carve a path, not perfect, not the highest, or driest, but wide and far reaching, with many friendly faces along the way.
I’d like to think that lives are not made of the mighty and majestic fortresses which sneer down at the top of indomitable mountains, but the backroads and alleys, trails and cottages, and little happy, ramshackle, moments below.

Ode to APD Officer Jorge Pastore AP 9097 “Tac66” End of Watch 11/11/2023

Someone calls for help, a hero stands tall,
Jorge Pastore, he answered the call.
A firefighter paramedic, brave and true,
To the sound of sirens, he rushed on through.
From Parkland to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High,

He faced the darkness, he heard the cry.
A guardian of the injured, heeding his call.
In the line of duty, he gave his all,
Then a new path he’s seen, an officer he became,

To serve and protect, to honor their names.
With courage and valor, he wore the badge no matter the day,
In the face of danger, he stood his ground,
A hero for some, forever a “dad” he will be renowned

His legacy shall live on, through the lives he touched
He shall be remembered as a hero, who has been admired so very much
With a sacrifice never forgotten, and a spirit always strong
In the hearts of many, you will forever belong

With an outpouring of tears, we must say farewell to a pioneer
“Rest easy, Officer Pastore, we’ll take it from here”

One Day

I know that one day,
The names of friends,
And stories of us,
Will become tales of youth.

I know that one day,
I’ll grow up,
And stop crying to songs
About people I’ll never know.

I know that one day,
None of this will matter to me,
And I will laugh at myself
For being the teenage girl I am.

I know that one day,
I will be old,
And I will have wrinkles
That will tell the world how much

I have lived.

Remebering You.

The world still spins, and the days go by.
I take a seat, asking him “Oh but why.”
Longing for one last conversation, yet silence only adheres.
I often wonder how you’re doing, all the way up there.

Your home no longer feels like home,
because you’re the missing piece.
Don’t be afraid to take care now,
we know you’re at ease.

No matter the circumstances, you always stayed strong.
but now it’s time to take a rest, let go, and drop it all.
I’ll play your favorite song for you, one last time only,
in hopes that you won’t feel so lonely.

Don’t be sad now, we know you had to leave,
but promise me one thing, oh please, don’t forget about me.

Time is Fleeting

Bittersweet goodbyes to the girl I once was
Dreading the woman I am becoming
The very essence of my being fading to a distant memory
No longer living life to from the backseat
But anxiously gripping the steering wheel
Time is fleeting

Running barefoot through fields
My mother stroking my hair as I lay in her lap
I beg for a chance to be small once more
To be free, to be cared for
The little girl claws her way through my heart
Time is fleeting

Life moves on, people grow old
The fear of the dark becomes the fear of the unknown
Nostalgia tears me apart like termites
She cries and pleads
But she must move on
Time is fleeting

Ode to APD Officer Jorge Pastore AP 9097 “Tac66” End of Watch 11/11/2023

Someone calls for help, a hero stands tall,
Jorge Pastore, he answered the call.
A firefighter paramedic, brave and true,
To the sound of sirens, he rushed on through.
From Parkland to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High,

He faced the darkness, he heard the cry.
A guardian of the injured, heeding his call.
In the line of duty, he gave his all,
Then a new path he’s seen, an officer he became,

To serve and protect, to honor their names.
With courage and valor, he wore the badge no matter the day,
In the face of danger, he stood his ground,
A hero for some, forever a “dad” he will be renowned

His legacy shall live on, through the lives he touched
He shall be remembered as a hero, who has been admired so very much
With a sacrifice never forgotten, and a spirit always strong
In the hearts of many, you will forever belong

With an outpouring of tears, we must say farewell to a pioneer
“Rest easy, Officer Pastore, we’ll take it from here”

I Am a Dog

I Am a Dog

I am a dog

Yes, it is quite true

A dog that runs through fields of golden grass

And plays with the other animals

I guard my sheep friends while they sleep at night

And I make humans grin and gleam

I bark at unknown figures that lurk in the tree shadows

And I protect with all my might

My human will give me fresh meat and treats

And I give him kisses in return

I bask in the sun

And I listen to the chickens while they speak

My mud puddle is my favorite toy

And the cool rain will wash away the crust when I’m done

I am a dog

Yes, you know it is true

This life that I live is nice

And I am happy

A Girl’s Best Friends

Leo and kitty
I find them both real pretty
Both grey tabby cats
Both prey on rats

Kitty rules the house
Moving sly like a mouse
Intimidating anyone who goes near
Filling them with fear

Leo is a bit plump
He can barely even jump
His extra toe
Makes him glow

The last thing I have to say
Is how I love to play
With kitty and leo
We make a great trio

A Ballad of Love

When the sun fell on the horizon long ago,
A tale of emotion emerged beneath the glowing sky
With Cupid’s arrow bouncing through the land
It struck down
Through the hearts of the two below

In the passion-filled sky.
In the green meadows,
Lovely whispers are spoken
And desire gleamed like never before

The maid’s heart, the knight’s plea,
Written with a quill
No heartbreaks, nor one-sided affection,
Only sealed messages in the mouth of a dove

Where the shadows dance,
Hearts dance in the ballet of love.
With lovely melodies and minstrel’s joy,
Dancing beneath the full moon

From youth to silver hair, hope continued
Love’s tale stayed without compare
Thus, let the bells ring louder and louder.

Broken smiles

It went from coloring books and plastic barbies
To football games and massive parties
The girl who used to play air guitar
Is soon to get her very first car

Since when was time a flying blur?
Will things go back to what they once were?
When nothing hurt, but a scrape on the knee
How we cried and wept when we feel from a tree

The girl sits in silence, earbuds plugged in
Is she really the person she wants to be within?
Her heart is as vast and as wide as the barents
But, it’s been hours since she talked to her parents

So the girl gets up and goes off to school
With her new shoes on so she looks extra cool
She doesn’t even like them, it’s just what’s in style
she heads her head high and fakes a huge smile

Her day was the same, as it always will be
She slumps on her bed, and has her first meal… At 3.
Her phone lights her face up, as she stalks the new “news”
And realizes nobody even layed eyes on her shoes

It’s been 30 years, the girl is now grown
She’s moved, she’s now off and alone
she wears what she wants, no matter how tacky
This change has made her so very happy

Until she gets a girl of her own
She has endless friends yet feels so alone
The mother sighs, it’s been 40 years
When she realizes, this feeling will never disappear