Edge of the Light

I got to meet it at the
Edge of the snow,
Where the wolves howl,
I got to meet it at the
Edge of the flames,
Where the air tightens,
I got to meet it at the
Edge of the light,
Where the tunnel ends,
I got to meet it,
And that was enough.


I sit atop a tower
It’s made of sorrow and misery
There are no rails
It’s an easy jump
About three stories tall
Wouldn’t die
It’d hurt
But I’d be able to break the base
Watch it fall
Build a new tower
One made of happiness and excitement
Ten stories tall
One I don’t want to jump off of
One where the fall would hurt more than being there
Though inevitably
People exist to tear towers down
Be it good or bad
Help or harm
Love or hate
There’s no such thing as an indestructible tower

My Friend Andy

Orange and white,
Eyes that shine so bright
Belong to my friend named Andy.

There is no better friend,
A friendship that can only be described as “it will never end”,
Is the one I have with Andy.

I’ve known him forever,
Although, I must admit, sometimes, he is not very clever.
Is how I’d describe my Andy.

Despite his flaws
And despite his hands, which some may call paws,
I love Andy.

Although, after years and years
I’m afraid, and I may fear,
That one day I’ll have to say goodbye.

Because he is a cat,
And I’ll always know that,
You’ll leave me one day Andy.

But it’s okay
And if Andy could speak his mind, I think he would say:
“Although I’m only a small part of your life,
You’re all of mine,
And I’ll love you until the end of that day.”


Like a river flowing,
crashing in the rocks.
A tsunami in the brook it sits,
Splashing white violence.
Tears stream,
Salty like the ocean.
Eyes swell, stinging.
The ache in my chest grows.
Swelling, expanding, breath leaving.
Thrashing turns to a babble,
Like water breaks, it settles.
Sinking to the floor, like a rock in the water,
The stream sets with the sun, no fire to fuel.
I drown in feeling.


A brand new life is in my house
Or maybe not new, just returning
I feel a sense of knowing this boy
I’ve known that smile
For what seems to me, forever

I’ve held him in my arms before
I’ve felt his cheek against mine
I’ve felt my lips against his head
I’ve heard him beg and cry

Maybe he’s a friend I’ve met before
A young man gone too soon
Who’s entwined his soul in my baby brother
For the warmth he knew he’d find with me

It’s a strange feeling,
To know I’ve known this boy before
But nonetheless, a comfort
I’ll keep him kind and always safe
So next time he’ll return the favor

Ho Ho Ho

It’s that time of year again that most love so much
Love and joy fill the air as most prepare
To see friends and family and present them with bestowal

The weather cools and the frozen dew falls
The lights arise as it is said he once did all those years ago
Green, white, and red, colors to behold

Not everyone sees it the same, for not everyone sees to same
Through different eyes, and shoes, do people see and walk
Some embrace the cold from the warmth, while others, suffer through the cold

Hard-working parents who try to make their kids smile
Extra shifts and longer hours they work
To bestow upon another is an unrecognized privilege

Some kids wake up to no light from the pine
They talk to friends who live in different shoes and see through different eyes
As they wonder why the fat man didn’t ho ho ho

The Color Green

The sunflower shines so beautifully
yet the blade of grass feels so dull compared to the flower.

The large lake overflowing with life
is so great compared to this puddle,
the puddle wonders, will the lake not soon fall into the other streams
and leave this small puddle behind?

The songbirds sing each note
with perfection
but the raven stays quiet,
and sings one solemn note on occasion.

While the trees branch out
and small leaves form,
the little stump stays rigid in the wind
and still feels a snake green,
despite the lack of leaves.

The sky looks over the ground
and the ground looks up to the sky,
envying it because of it’s great height.

An Ode to Broccoli

Broccoli you repulse me
When I see you on my plate
You make me think about
All the good things I’ve ate.

Broccoli how you can sadden
Even the happiest man
When I see you all I can wonder
Is how can you be so bland?

Broccoli you make me think
If I never saw you again
I wouldn’t be mad, not even sad
I’d be happy, I would be glad!

Broccoli how I despise you
How you follow me at every turn
How I must get through you
If I hope to get desert

Broccoli I know what I must do
Even if it brings me great disgust
To get a treat so succulent and sweet
Then eat broccoli I must.


A handmade blanket
each thread carefully woven
a gift of warmth
with magnificent design
of many different colors
wrap it around you
feel the comfort
get some rest
a hand-made
warmly woven

The Forest

Within the Forest there was a tree
near the tree there was a bridge
under the bridge there were some plants
around the plants there was a fish
in it’s own beautiful sanctuary
loved by nature’s grace
the colors flourish
for all to see.